Portland Window Cleaning is FOR SALE.

Why pay for a franchise? Own the most popular “keyword specific” company and domain name in Portland, Oregon.

Option 1: Ideal candidate: You are an established window cleaning company and want to procure this business name and website to add branding to your company. Purchase as a stand-alone sale the domain name portlandwindowcleaning.com and legally registered company name Portland Window Cleaning, LLC. There are no clients for sale. Contact Me

Option 2: Ideal Candidate: Parents of a college student looking to start a successful business and pay for college tuition. A person who is a true go-getter and wants to benefit from their own hard work. The purchase would include the domain name portlandwindowcleaning.com, legally registered company name Portland Window Cleaning, LLC, and a full training package. There are no clients for sale. This package will start you off on the ground floor running. In your first year, you can expect $40-$60 an hour worked. After some experience, $80-$100 an hour is easily attainable. Contact Me